How to earn more with WhitePress® - 11 tips for publishers
(8 min. read)

The most important aspect is whether your site is popular, well maintained, and what price you offer for publication. Often, the price reduction causes a clear increase in orders, but too low a price can also cause "overwhelming" of external publications, which reduces its substantive value. Obvious elements that affect demand are: permitting dofollow links, consent for analytical code, and current visitor statistics. However, to significantly increase the attractiveness of the site, it is worth reading our short 11 tips and improving the offer within a few minutes.
1. Optimize the portal description
At WhitePress® we divide customers into those who carefully review each offer and those who do not have time to do so. For the latter, apart from the price and SEO parameters, it is important to provide information about the portal thoroughly. Of course, you can simply write: a fashion portal, but you can also attract potential customers at the stage of describing the portal. What information are customers looking for?
- What does the portal do?
- What is its main target group?
- Is the portal opinion-forming, what makes it different?
Think about how your portal stands out from the rest. For example, these could be the following features: it is the oldest portal in the region, it brings together enthusiasts of the local tourist attraction or it creates the largest fan forum for a particular sport. This is very important information that a potential customer will not know about by browsing your portal quickly.
2. Add tags
Do you know that many platform customers search for portals under specific key phrases, e.g. "fireplaces", "DIY gifts", "Warsaw real estate"? If you run a construction portal that has a garden section - be sure to add the "garden" and "gardens" tags in its description! This way, a potential customer will find you much faster on the list of several thousand portals. Our experience says that in tags it is worth including:
- titles of the most popular categories on the website,
- target groups of your portal, e.g. accountants,
- the most popular topics implemented on your portal, e.g. garden furniture,
- niche topics covered by the portal and not mentioned in WhitePress® e.g. aviation.
3. Ensure a better professional and technical rating of the portal
The ratings assigned by the platform are determined on the basis of objective indicators of external tools and analysis carried out by a dedicated WhitePress ® employee. Remember that customers can narrow down the list of portals to a specific minimum rating - the higher the rating, the better the portal is perceived.
Ratings are also very important when you are interested in downloading guest articles: this is, next to UU and Trust Flow, one of the parameters that the customer provides.
4. Ensure precise description of the offers
It's true that for some, only the price and SEO parameters of the portal are important. But for customers who have non-standard requirements, the answers to the following questions are also very important: how many photos can the publisher put in the content or what type of linking does it allow? If you haven't completed your offer details yet, make sure you do so.
Especially for you, we asked people working in the WhitePress ®editorial office to find out what questions customers ask them on a daily basis. Here are the most popular of them:
- Where exactly will the promotion appear on the main page?
- What happens to the article after a year? Does the publisher remove links?
- How many photos can I put in the content?
- Is it possible to remove other ads, e.g. banners around the article?
- Is it possible to delete comments?
5. Add an offer with a promotion in social media
If your site has a Facebook page or Twitter profile, be sure to add it to your offer. This should be an offer with a promotion on the home page, created with maximum customer reach in mind. Of course, you can also require a higher quality content or typical content marketing article from your customer - after all, it will be content that you promote among your readers.
6. Add an offer for the publication of press releases
The platform is used by individual advertisers, SEO agencies, media houses, and PR agencies. For the latter, the publication of their customer's press releases is important. Keep in mind that this type of content is often unavoidable.
7. Add an offer with article writing
Although many customers come to the platform with their own ready-made articles, and WhitePress® also offers content writing, remember there is also a group of customers who prefer the article to be written by the publisher. Why?
- Nobody knows the recipients like the publisher; it knows best how to present a topic to interest readers.
- Writing an article by a person who creates content for the portal is a guarantee that it will be similar to the content of the publisher, it will not look like a "stuck-on advertisement".
- The publisher will not reject its own text.
Creating such an additional offer will take you two minutes - just duplicate one of the current offers, edit it, add the option to write an article, specify the number of days and add your earnings for copywriting in the quote. Remember that since this is content created by you, it can be promoted without concern - after all, you have an influence on what will be in it.
8. Add an offer with traffic guarantee
WhitePress® is not only involved with SEO agencies – but we also have many customers who expect tangible results of publications, not just the dofollow link. Such customers choose offers with a promotion on the home page, with links to social media publications. However, there are times that this will not be enough - some expect a specific guarantee of views of their article. These types of offers are also most often promoted on the platform as "Super Content Marketing" offers.
When adding this type of option, you must remember that it requires a specific promotion from you until you reach the guaranteed number of page views. Hence:
- declare only the number of page views that you can provide to the customer. If your portal has 3000 UU per month, don't promise 2,000 page views. Evaluate your options based on your own promoted articles.
- remember that traffic can be delivered free, however, the guaranteed number of page views must be delivered within a month. You can promote the article on the main page until you reach the required number of page views, or, for example, promote it in the Facebook group of which you are the administrator.
9. Add an indefinite publication offer
At WhitePress® we understand that "forever" is too long, but many customers ask for offers that will not disappear after a year. Our system monitors what happens to publications up to a year from the day the link is pasted to the platform, and in addition, on the list of portals, the customer can check what the publisher does with the article from a year up to 36 months after publication. For many customers, however, the declarations are insufficient and they ask for a guarantee that the article will not be removed as long as the portal exists. You can ensure the above to them by creating an additional, more expensive offer for a lifetime publication in which you commit yourself not to delete the article with the link as long as the portal exists.
10. Add an offer with an unusual publication time
This type of offer is particularly useful on more expensive portals. If the goal is to promote a specific event or a temporary promotion, there is no need for the article to remain on the site for a year. For customers, the cheaper offer with the promotion is more attractive, which after a specified time (usually a month) is removed from the portal. Remember, however, that it must be clearly marked on the platform. The WhitePress ® editors suggest that it is best to include such information in the name of the offer.
11. Optimize publication time
The time during which the order will be carried out is very important for the customer. Especially at the end of the month, when the fight for the media plan to be fulfilled is ongoing and the copywriter working with the agency has delayed the execution of the order, every day counts. WhitePress® always tries to help customers and contacts the publisher by phone with a request to complete the order as soon as possible. However, before ordering, both WhitePress ®customers and employees choosing a portal are guided by the rate of publication speed, which is visible at each portal. If your speed indicator is more than 3 days, the portal becomes less attractive in the eyes of a customer who needs fast publishing. Of course, the optimum time is one business day.
You should also keep in mind that you can improve the publication time at any moment because the system gives an average of all publications, as well as that of the last 5 publications so that the customer can see how quickly the publisher has recently published.
Do you already know what changes to make to increase the popularity of your portal on WhitePress®? Remember that the more substantive and qualitative the website, the easier it is to create a demand for publications, provided that you can properly present the portal and tailor the offer to the diverse needs of customers. We hope our tips help you with this!