Registration for journalists in the Content Premium module is now open!
(6 min. read)

At WhitePress®, we know the market and customer needs very well - we operate in several countries and are an agent in ordering content for a total net amount of over 1.5 million EUR a year. Our data clearly shows that the demand for high-quality content is huge, and to create it, you need experienced and specialized copywriters and journalists. At Content Premium, we want to cooperate only with the best!
The operation model of the Content Premium module is based on search engine for journalists and copywriters. A potential client, while browsing the list of proposed authors of a text, first sees the profiles best suited to a given job. The order is assigned on the basis of the data provided by the content creators during registration, so it is so important to create your own business card and add as detailed information as possible about your experience, education and position in the portfolio. WhitePress® reserves the right to reject incorrectly completed profiles and block accounts of users who provide false information in their business cards.
How to complete the profile to effectively obtain orders?
In Content Premium, a journalist or copywriter can only create one personal profile. Only a copywriting agency can set up several profiles on one account.
Journalist profile information is divided into sections. When completing each of them, follow the guidelines below.
General information
- use your photo, preferably a business one, instead of an avatar - thanks to this you will increase your professionalism and be remembered by customers;
- in the "description" box, include the most important and condensed information about yourself, use the language that will benefit you to present your advantages and stand out from the competition. This section should not be too long (a few sentences maximum).
The completed education section strengthens the journalist's position in selected thematic areas.
- add information on fields of study, completed courses and specializations. The path of education indicates the topics in which the author feels best and is able to create quality substantive content. Are you a marketer with a degree, but you are passionate about photography and have experience related to this profession? Be sure to include this information, because this will make it possible for you to receive attractive orders on this subject.
- provide additional information in the description boxes - e.g., study specializations, topics of written diploma theses, topics covered within a given course - keywords will be included in the search engine and will help a potential customer find your business card.
- add reliable information about jobs and responsibilities, focus on activities related to creating content (articles, promotional materials, emails, brochures, ebooks);
- describe the non-copywriting experience as well; thanks to this, you will show that you are not only a theorist, but a practitioner in a given subject area. For the search engine itself and for customers, this can be a deciding factor when choosing a content creator.
Subject scope
The Content Premium module is designed to find specialists in a given subject area. Since it is impossible to be an authority in all areas, it is worth choosing the areas where you feel best.
- preferably choose and carefully describe 2-5 subject areas in which you specialize;
- define the actual level of specialization in a given area (the smart search engine will evaluate the specialization at a lower level if the journalist indicates the maximum knowledge of all of his/
her subject areas); - in the "Favourite topics" box, list specialized terms to increase the chance of selecting your profile by the search engine.
- support the subject areas indicated in the previous point with examples in the portfolio section (2-3 examples will be enough);
- choose your best texts, self-written and (preferably) signed;
- if your content has been published in well-known and reputable media, use the option of placing links to such publications. It is best to choose content that is positively commented on and can be found on portals from a given industry;
- if you don't have an online publication on a given topic in your account, you can also attach an article in PDF and the system will complete the publication title itself;
- the content will be assessed by WhitePress® and will affect your search engine rankings;
- select the best content to make your portfolio transparent. Focus on a specialization. Remember that this is Content Premium and quality is more important than quantity.
Rates and offer
- use the list of services prepared by WhitePress® and select the types of orders you would like to work on;
- you can edit the suggested rates so that they meet your financial expectations for completing orders;
- if you have a hard time indicating the right amount, don't worry. The final price for the service will be agreed between the customer and the journalist for a specific order;
- keep in mind that the rates you enter are rates before tax.
Profile in English
A very useful feature, which we recommend to use when creating a journalist profile, is the ability to create an English language version of the business card. If you speak English well, providing information in both languages can significantly increase the number of job proposals. Keep in mind that the WhitePress® platform already works in more than 20 languages, and the Content Premium module is gradually being implemented in individual markets.
How to create an English version of your profile? In the profile editing tab, each section next to the boxes for entering information has a button to switch the view into English (see the screenshot below). This is where you enter the translated content.
Use your business card also outside of WhitePress®
We have great news for you. A carefully completed business card can be used as your free website. You can choose its unique address and use it to present yourself outside the platform. You probably know how important a portfolio is in the profession of a copywriter. Are you looking for orders in industry groups, do you contact your customers in private messages or via email? From now on, you don't have to send dozens of attachments. All you need to do is paste the link to your website and your professionalism in the eyes of a potential customer will increase significantly.
Do you find filling in the profile complicated? Don't worry, the intuitive system will help you complete this process smoothly. Devote several minutes and prepare your business card thoroughly. We are sure that this will translate into the number and quality of your orders from advertisers in Content Premium.