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Dear Publisher! Enable Recommended Offers – a new feature in WhitePress®

Updated on: 2021-09-23  
(3 min. read)
Recommended Offers – a new feature in WhitePress
Did you know that attractive offers can even double the number of publishing orders from Advertisers? Get to know the new feature in our platform and see how quickly you can launch more attractive offers and win more orders for publications.

Attractive publication offer – what is it?

Even small changes in the forms of promotion or the prices of articles can be decisive for Advertisers. What changes should I make? It can be difficult for website owners to determine what offers they lack or what to improve in the active ones, which is why we have introduced Recommended Offers. These offers are automatically supplemented with the most important and missing elements for Advertisers.

Check recommended offers - screenshot

What does it mean in practice? You no longer need to carry out a time-consuming analysis and comparison of offers from other Publishers to change your offers to be more attractive. Now you can do it with one click.

How to activate the Recommended Offers?

To use the new feature, go to ‘My portals’ and then to ‘Offers to publish articles’. There you will see your active offers first, and below them, the suggested ones generated by the platform, next to which there is a button ‘Add an offer’.

List of suggested offers - screenshot

After clicking on this option, you will see a view similar to creating a new offer, with the difference that individual elements will be already completed. Suggestions generated by the platform take into account the parameters and prices of offers that are most attractive to advertisers, determined on the basis of offers already active on the website. Remember to read the details of the suggested offer - you can edit it if necessary. Then activate the offer using the ‘Save’ button.

Turn recommendations on and off

Recommended offers are only proposals, so you can turn off displaying the following:

  • a single offer recommendation for the selected website,
  • all recommendations for the selected website,
  • all offer recommendations for all websites – disabling the feature for the entire account.

How to do it? If you do not want to see a given recommendation on the website's offer list, click on ‘Turn off recommendation’ on the left of the item menu.

Hot to turn off the recommended offers - screenshot

If you want to disable all offers suggested for a selected website, after entering My websites > Edit website, in the Basic data tab you will see the option ‘Recommending offers’. Click to disable or re-enable the feature – when it is active, the switch slider is displayed in green.

Turn off the recommended offers for particular portal - screenshot

Similarly, you can turn off the suggested offers feature globally for all websites on the Publisher's account. To do this, go to Account settings and in the Basic data tab, uncheck ‘Suggested offers’. After disabling this option, you can always go back to the settings and re-enable the display of recommended offers here, if necessary.

Turn off recommended offers for the whole account - screenshot

Benefit from the new feature and earn more with WhitePress®

Now that we have made the recommendation feature available to the Publishers, you can prepare offers that are more attractive to Advertisers without time-consuming analysis, with just a few mouse clicks. Remember that attractive offers = more orders and this means more earnings from the publication of articles.

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