SEO & Content in Europe - fill out our survey!
(2 min. read)

What budgets are spent on content marketing and link building? How do professionals monitor the effects of their publications? Which tools are most popular among advertisers and SEO specialists? These are just a handful of questions we would like to find answers to and include them in our international WhitePress® report, which will be available at the beginning of next year.
Content & SEO - we are taking a closer look at the industry in over 20 countries
This is the first industry survey on such a scale. We hope to receive answers from a multitude of people working in the SEO and content marketing industry across Europe in order to find trends, possible development paths, as well as to determine the most important differences between SEO in different countries.
This is not another typical survey, one of many you’ve already seen and filled out before. What we prepared for you are substantial questions created by specialists for specialists in the three main fields:
- Content creation,
- Link building,
- SEO tools.
At the very end, we also ask some questions about the future of SEO. This questionnaire is something you must fill out! The questions and the report will be translated into nearly 20 languages and adjusted to match the characteristics of a given market (e.g., a different set of SEO tools, different budgets, and currencies). This will add to authenticity and substantial value of this research project.
Answering all these questions will take you just a couple of minutes and will provide us with valuable insights, which we will later analyse and present in the final report. The said report will be available for download at the beginning of next year.
Let’s do some good together!
While collecting the data for the report, let’s not forget about supporting a good cause. For each completed survey, we will make a donation to WWF (World Wide Fund for Nature). One questionnaire equals €1 for the charity. Sharing your opinion and, in turn, contributing to supporting the natural environment seems like a nice way to spend a couple of minutes of your precious time.
Together with our partners, we encourage you to fill out the survey and support WWF.
WWF (World Wide Fund for Nature) is an international non-governmental organization founded in 1961 that works in the fields of wilderness preservation and the reduction of human impact on the environment. Its main office is located in Switzerland. The maximum amount that WhitePress® will donate is €1000. The WWF is not a partner in this survey; it was chosen by the WhitePress® Team.