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DACH Week in WhitePress®. Open up to our German-speaking markets!

Updated on: 2023-01-23  
(5 min. read)
DACH Week in WhitePress®. Open up to our German-speaking markets!
Do you run a business that targets customers living abroad? Or maybe you operate locally, but you want to enter a challenging market that is full of potential and promise? Advertiser, if you answered “yes” to any of the above questions, do not hesitate to take advantage of the 10% discount on publications on portals in Germany, Austria, and Switzerland. The offer will be available on the WhitePress® platform only from January 23rd to 29th.

A language that sparks great interest

It is often said that German is only spoken in Germany, Switzerland, and Austria, and this statement is completely untrue. Fortunately, this stereotype that has been circulating for years is constantly being rectified by statistics that show time and time again that the native language of Gutenberg, Kant, Mozart, Schubert, Einstein, or Roger Federer is used almost all over the world. Currently, more than 130 million people speak German, and each of them can be a potential customer.

WhitePress® debuted on the German market in 2020, and of course it was a great choice because in just two years, it became our third-largest market in terms of the number of available portals. Considering that we currently operate in over 30 countries, this result confirms that this is a market worth investing in. In our database, advertisers can choose from over 3,070 reliable portals in German, and most importantly, this number is constantly growing. In our opinion, if you want to appear on the international stage, presence on German-language portals is the key to success.

The market of potentially opulent customers

Where should you look for customers? Preferably in places where there is a high probability that you will find rich people willing to invest in new goods. When it comes to German-speaking markets, Germany, Austria and Switzerland can be proud of their stable economic situations that leave other nations behind.


  • Germany is the largest economy in the European Union, representing 4.54% of the world economy. It is also the fourth-largest economy in the world in terms of GDP per capita.
  • The German e-commerce market is the 2nd largest in the world in terms of size. Countries such as France or Great Britain give way to Germany in this ranking.
  • Last year, the e-commerce market in Germany generated nearly USD 141.20 billion in revenue.
  • Experts predict that the German e-commerce market will have as many as 68.4 million users in two years.


  • Austria outperforms countries such as the United Arab Emirates, in the context of the size of the e-commerce market. Their revenue in 2021 was approximately USD 13 billion.
  • Austrians are second only to Germans in the context of the financial well-being of residents, which consists of: timely payment of bills, ease of getting into debt, savings and knowledge of finance (ranking of the Swedish company Intrum AB).


  • Switzerland ranks in the top three for the amount of money its residents are able to save each month.
  • Switzerland, despite being a small country, achieved over USD 15 billion in e-commerce revenue in 2021.

By reaching different customers, you have a better chance of success

Although in each of the above-mentioned countries, the German language is used on a daily basis, this does not mean that the speakers of this language form a homogeneous group. Just the opposite! Each of these countries is characterized by a completely different approach to life, experiences, consumption preferences, customs, and history. It is worth remembering when creating marketing strategies for individual markets.

  • Germany – is a country known for its beautiful and mysterious castles, the diversity of its nature, and the largest companies in the world. In turn, the inhabitants of the country located in Central Europe are characterized by an attachment to perfection and attention to detail.
  • Austria – is known for its great composers, arts, architecture, and skiing. While in Austria, there is also a good chance that you will meet many smiling, happy people because the inhabitants of this country rate the quality of their lives very highly.
  • Switzerland - a small country with great opportunities. For years, the Swiss have been betting on innovation, independence, stability, and they are also resistant to crises and external influences.

German-speaking society - curiosities

Do you know that…

  • around 100 million Europeans speak German as their first language.
  • Donaudampfschifffahrtselektrizitätenhauptbetriebswerkbauunterbeamtengesellschaft - is a German word that contains 80 letters and is the longest published word in the world. It means "part of the Danube steamship company."
  • Germans love magazines. The first newspaper was founded in Germany in 1663 under the name "Erbauliche Monaths".
  • 25% of the population settled in Austria lives in Vienna.
  • Austria is a country with as many as 1,181,090 websites with the .at extension.
  • In Austria, more than 60% of electricity is generated from renewable sources.
  • Switzerland is the most innovative country in the world according to The Global Innovation Index.
  • About 94% of Swiss people have access to the Internet.
  • In 2022, the average salary in Switzerland was CHF 6,538 and the unemployment rate was 2.5%.

German portals in WhitePress® - content and quality in the first place!

As we mentioned earlier, there are more than 3070 German-language portals in our database. Regardless of what industry you operate in, in WhitePress® you will find a portal that will be tailored to your target group. A large number of Publishers means that you can choose not only portals that are diverse in terms of themes but also different price ranges, which largely depend on the SEO indicators of a given platform.

Examples of portals:,,,,,,,,, or

How to publish on German portals

Ordering publications in WhitePress® is a simple and intuitive operation. What's more, you can pay in any currency of your choice, and the panel for ordering publications is available in many language versions. Therefore, it is easy to take advantage of the 10% discount and publish in Germany, Austria, and Switzerland, and then... Enjoy new leads!

Remember that while creating a new project in the platform, you can choose not only the publication language, but also the default publication country. Pay attention to this to optimize your search in our portal search engine.

Adding a project

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Are you planning publications on foreign websites and have questions? Write to us!

At the time of writing this article, we used sample data available from the following sources:

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